martes, diciembre 16, 2008

I love you

A good friend sent me a comic book drawn by one of his friends. I haven't finished reading it, but till now the most impacting drawing has been this:

The translation goes moreless like this:

"I love you"
"Like the adults do?"
"No, truly."

This last two years i have heard a lot of adults speaking about love... and that drawing nearly broke my heart... sad but true.

3 comentarios:

Lucía dijo...

jajajaja lo que pones en inglés no lo entiendo pero la viñeta es graciosa :P

DEL_DAN 但 dijo...

hay que ser como niños

Anónimo dijo...

=P pos a mi me perece q esooooooo....tene mas verdad de la q parece...XD