lunes, mayo 12, 2008


More than a week has passed since we came back from our lighting trip to Lisbon, but i have been busy, i am indeed, but the memory of my thesis... is too boring and sometimes discouraging, so let's pour my opinions about Portugal now...

So portugese people is moreless what i expected. Small, brown, and full of hair. But really nice people. I couldn't met many of them cause Postugal is strangely invaded by spaniards, but the few i met were really nice, spoke softly(i like how portugese speak), and were very kind. I don't think we're so kind with french... so maybe between Spain and Portugal there is not this ancient hate that exists between french and spanish. The guy in charge of the hostel even called me "brother". Maybe he was christian? Probably not...

Anyway, people was nice. The country, from my humble point of view, not so much. Well... it was nice, but i don't really liked it. Talking with my uncle yesterday he described perfectly Lisbon with one word, "decadence". He said that city has a permanent decadent ambient. And it's true. Is not that is not rich, (not as much as Madrid or Barcelona, but not poor), or that is an old city, or somethig like that. Is that there is a decadent ambient that surprised me. More if we think that since Portugal went into EU, like Spain, it has suffered a really big economical growth. But when you go to Lisbon, at least my sensation was the opposite.

My uncle said that he loves that kind of ambient... i am not sure that i liked it. Anyway, i think my opinion was also based on the fact that we went there with a car. And driving in Lisbon is just crazy. Small streets, up and down, trams everywhere, not traffic lights... and drivers honking(that's american stuff i think) all the time. Really crazy. If you ever go, be sure not to do it by car. Or if you do it, park it somewhere and forget it all the time you spend there.

And apart from all that... Portugal is moreless like Spain. Nice coasts, nice palaces, good food,... more chaos, more silence. Strange combination. One of those countries were you realize how scandalous spaniards are.