jueves, julio 19, 2007

Maps, numb3rs and videos...

Following Sandro's example, now that i have time before i start studying... i was going to say "again", but i think i will leave it without it. So, before i start studying to try to pass the only exam that i have in september, and on wich my future depends, at least my thesis. I will try to make numbers, of this erasmus year that has finished. I would also like to post a video Paolo did, please notice that was Paolo who did it, i have nothing to do with Berlusconi and such fellows.


48: credits i passed in VDU.

23: nationalities of people i met, and some are still my friends!!!

15: countries i visited in ten months, not bad.

12: ryanair flights.

11:trains in the same number or countries.

10:hostels i have tried.

9: courses i passed.

9: gigas of pictures.

7: times i hitchiked.

7: kinds of vodka i tried.

7:houses i have stayed.

5: exams i did, and of course, passed.

If you have any other number you would like to know... ask.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Good job Man! This it means that you're still reading my blog sometimes. So, write on it!!

12 ryanair flights???

(agree with you about Berlusconi. But the video is great.)

Josue dijo...

Maldición! que envidia me das, cuanto mundo has visto, supongo que habras madurado como las buenas manzanas de arblol con tanto conocimiento mundial.

Ahora toca estudiar un poco, no? hahaha

anaka dijo...

auch...me ha dolido hasta a mí!

bueno, q conste q rusia ocupa mazo, así q eso de 10% del mundo es un poco cuestionable.. :P

ai la envidia...

paolo dijo...

que pasa con Berlusconi? es la parte mejor del video :)

Anónimo dijo...

Vaya video... cual es tu NUMBER ONE???