So, Easter came, and Easter went... And after vaccations, i can make a little resume of my free week. My first one from the working point of view. Ok, so Easter started with the blood of passion painting my finger. Yes, here in Spain is costume, at least in the south to hurt yourself to ask God for forgiveness... so i hurt myself... just playing basketball... and of course it was not on purpose. After breaking my hand, almost all my fingers, and now this, i can say it, basketball is an extreme sport!!!
But, i cheered up that same night, in the concert to wich Javi had invited me. Deke Dickerson was the name of the band... well... it was the name of the guy... whose band played. Band... they were a trio. Rockabilly or rock and roll music to be more concrete. Simply awesome... they all sang, they switched instruments, double bass included, and was a very funny concert. "Deke" Dickerson, "Crazy" Joe, and "Sugar Balls", AKA, in that concert, as "Cojounes de Asucar". Really good and funny(and free) concert. Here's a little video... not good sound, but just to make you taste how funny the concert was...
Two days later we headed to Hossegor, to a capitalist party!!! Yes, lots of nice clothing brands have their stocks and factories in that french village. And once a year, on easter, they make a huge outlet park. So there we went. 5 hours of queue in the Carhartt shop had their wage, and now i have two new jackets, four trousers, two shirts, a present, and two hats more. Ah, and five pair of socks. Curious day... you can save a lot of money in clothes if you like the expensive brands, and go there with the idea of not buying clothes again till next year. And that was my idea.
That same nigh we spoke with Ainara, living in the states for... 6 months now? Don't really know. Anyway... my new iTouch is on the way. I know, i know...why not an iPhone? The ones who know me well noe the reason, i'm not going to spend 100$ more for a thing that i don't like as a mobile phone is.
So the next day we went to Eibar. To see my beloved friends in one more concert. I haden't seen them since Becca's wedding in September, so it was really nice to reunite with them, and to have a nice conversation with John. And... how could i forget, to confirm that this year i will probably go to ContraCorriente... i don't want to miss Blindside.
And after that... calm... and then the storm. Maria came from Barcelona with her boyfriend and Xabi, and we went to face the sea. It is really nice this days. Last week it broke the road, some benches, a market, two clubs, one massage centre, and left us with nearly no beach. But the waves were awesome, they still are, although i think it will be difficult to see again such amount of destruction.
miércoles, marzo 26, 2008
Publicado por
evidentemente yo
7:18 p. m.
martes, marzo 18, 2008
Some months ago i found this nice drawing in the XKCD webcomic(see my links list). And well... for many people probably such situation is quite sad. To be in a loud party, dreaming with being with your laptop somewhere else. But i felt quite identificated with it. In LT, i had the opportunity to feel like that in several parties. The good side of the story is that i didn't need to dream much. When i got bored of drunk people looking for more drinks or sex, i just left. (Funny that someone described me as a party boy... what would spaniards think of that description of myself?)
But anyway... sometimes parties can be fun, at least at the beginning. And you never know when you will find someone that is also dreaming with leaving it. I spent 10 months of parties without finding it... but who knows? Maybe is just a matter of continue looking.
Now my brother is in Lisbon, Portugal. And was far as i know he is trying to avoid parties, probably because of the same reason why i left them a year ago. I hope he finally finds the good point of going to parties... and have the wisdom to leave them when he starts dreaming with other things.
Publicado por
evidentemente yo
1:28 p. m.