Porque somos lentos, pero seguros.
Y aunque a veces no somos seguros y nos caemos, siempre lo hacemos con gracia.
Y aunque perdamos el paso siempre nos recuperamos.
Porque tenemos dos modos de desplazarnos: Modo trineo.
Y modo "ganstaz".
Porque somos unos cachondos.
Porque no nos dejamos mangonear.
Porque no sabemos lo que es el dolor.
Porque somos pacientes... pero todos tenemos un límite.
Porque cuando atacamos lo hacemos en grupo.
Porque no tenemos piernas encima de nuestros pies y nos da igual.
Porque protagonizamos pelis que hay que ver.
Porque en realidad si que volamos!!!
No aceptes imitaciones.
Pon un pingüino en tu vida.
viernes, noviembre 09, 2007
Por que los pingüinos.
Publicado por
evidentemente yo
12:07 p. m.
1 comentarios
jueves, noviembre 08, 2007
Enjoy the Silence
Lately i have been watching how more and more society, and therefore church, hates the silence. At least the "new school" churches. Yesterday i went to a prayer meeting, and i think that when you tell someone you were in a prayer meeting, the idea that comes to mind is a group of peple in reverent quietness. That's the "old school" idea of prayer, and of church. But nowadays, the opposition of this ideas in protestan churches(and others), the freedom we want to preach, has taken us just to the opposite side. As awful as the continual silence is the continual noise. So yesterday i found myself praying, asking God for forgiveness for our horrible, terrible, awful praise. Because is not just that we sang badly... that is quite normal, none of us is Frank Sinatra... but somehow people can't be happy singing awfully... they have to scream, to shout how bad they sing. So we were screaming Jas' song, and at the same time i was thinking, "oh God forgive us for destroying such a nice song." And giving thanks to him for hearing not our voices but our hearts. Well... for sure He didn't hear my voice cause i couldn't sing with so much noise around me.
But this is not an exception. In most of churches silence is a tabu. When a preacher reads a verse imediately starts talking about it, and shooting more verses, and words about them. Without allowing the listeners to think what the verse says(and remember is suppose to be God's Word), or to think what he wants to explain. In praise it seems that we have to play all instruments all the time. I had a little discussion about this with some people from my church band. Is difficult to see a profesional band playing all the instruments at the same time with all their power. most of the time some of the instruments are quiet, or just making little details to complete a song. But in churches all instruments must be played, all the time, as complicated as the player cans. They have to show how good they are. The result usually is a horrible mixture os noises. The silence is a embarrasing thing.
But is a needed thing. At least i need it. I like the reverent silence i feel when i get into one of those old catholic, orthodox or old protestant churches. The peace that reigns inside those buildings. I like to stare at the sea just hearing the waves crashing against the cliffs... I like to walk in silence through the beach walk. I like to pray in silence and just concentrate in what i am saying. I like to think in silence about that friend that i miss, or that girl that i am in love. I like to be with a friend in silence, that probes that we don't need words to be friends, to communicate. It's funny how people get nervous when the silence reigns in a meeting. Can't we be for a moment in silence? Thinking how good is to be with that friend? Thinking what my nexts words will be? What i want to talk about with him? Instead of that most of the time we just say word after words, the important thing is not to be in silence... But I need silence!!!
And the reason why i need it is quite simple. The silence gives a reason to be to the noise. To the nice noises please, such as music. Because music without silence is nonsense and viceversa. I love music, and i love it because i can appreciate it, and the silence is what makes me appreciate it!!! I saw a friend a couple of weeks ago, and she hasen't got voice right now... and her silence made me appreciate my conversations with her, and i missed them even more than ever...
Silence makes us appreciate music, so let's don't understimate it.
Publicado por
evidentemente yo
12:39 p. m.